Naissance dans l’eau

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Water birth is the process of labouring and/or giving birth in a tub or pool of warm water. Some women choose to labour in the water. Other women decide to stay in the water for their birth.  Women find their ability to change positions is better facilitated and feel more supported while pushing while they are submersed in water.

Submersion in water is an effective form of pain management during labour and delivery. It is considered hydrotherapy, which has been shown to be an effective form of pain management for a variety of conditions.  When compared with conventional pain management techniques for labour and delivery (e.g. anaesthesia and narcotics), hydrotherapy is an effective alternative.

For more information on the use of water in labour and birth, please ask your midwives.

For birth tub rental, please contact Lindsay Holmstrom: For purchasing information, please contact:

Recommended Resources:

Immersion in water in Labour and Birth – « Water immersion during the first stage of labour significantly reduced epidural/spinal analgesia requirements, without adversely affecting labour duration, operative delivery rates, or neonatal wellbeing ».

Waterbirth International – « We are dedicated to making waterbirth an available option for all women »

Midwifery care in Ontario is free and easily accessible.

Please complete our online ‘Request A Midwife’ form or call us directly at (807)-622-BABY.